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Here you will find details of what will be taking place at the Conference. Check back here regularly for information about our plenary speakers, the conference timetable and to download your copy of the conference program. In the meantime, please complete your registration formalities.

Liz England
Plenary Speaker at the 2017 TESOL Arabia Conference
“It is with pleasure that I offer my support for TESOL Arabia. Having attended the conference for a number of years and watched my students (graduates of American University in Cairo Master’s in Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and many colleagues too, engage in teaching and leadership with TESOL Arabia, I have been a long-time supporter. At TESOL 2017, it was my pleasure to offer my expertise as a plenary speaker. TESOL Arabia has been an extraordinary professional force in English language teaching throughout the Gulf and worldwide. I am excited to hear more news about the reincarnation of a great professional community, one of which I am proud to be a supporter.”

Daniel Xerri
Invited Speaker at the 2017 Conference
“In March 2017, I gave an invited talk at the TESOL Arabia Conference. I was impressed by how well-organised the event was and by the high quality of many of the sessions I attended. The conference showcased some of the excellent work being done by researchers and practitioners from a variety of context.”

Marjorie Rosenberg
IATEFL Past President & Plenary Speaker at the 2017 TEASOL Arabia Conference
“The TESOL Arabia Conference is one of the best local conferences I have attended. It attracts a number of people from both inside and outside the region ensuring a diverse programme. There are plenaries and keynotes by leaders in the field and the exhibition provides attendees with the chance to browse through up-to-date materials. Local presenters give eye-opening talks on what is currently happening in the region. I would recommend attending to all those who take their CPD seriously.”